Espiral (Subtitles 4 languages)
It is estimated that between 23% of girls and 15% of boys suffer some type of sexual violence in their childhood.These minors must not only face the direct consequences of sexual violence, but they are often involved in a SPIRAL of interventions by the legal-welfare system.
How to act in the face of sexual violence against minors?
Sexual violence is a fact that many children and their families have to face. Parents, as the main educators, have the task of informing our children about the risks of being able to suffer sexual violence and protecting them, as well as creating a climate of trust in families so that children, in the If these situations occur, they can communicate it as soon as possible.
Practical guide of fostering of children in alternative families
People who approach foster care do not have the need to meet their expectations as parents, unlike adoption, but have a supportive purpose of helping to give a child the opportunity to remain in a stable family environment, in which they can receive the care, attention and education necessary to facilitate their integral development, without losing their identity of origin, until their situation is solved, or with the return to their biological family, a priority option, and in the case that It is not possible, with an alternative measure according to their needs.
2017 Annual Report
Social organizations, like our foundation, continue to offer essential basic services and specialized services for citizenship, thanks to the overexertion and commitment of our professionals, volunteers and collaborators.
The perception of the importance of Moroccan migration in the collective imagination of the inhabitants of Algeciras
The purpose of this report is to collect the results and conclusions obtained after the research we have called The importance of the perception of Moroccan migration in the collective imagination of the inhabitants of Algeciras, a study with which we intend to analyze the main keys that govern coexistence between the autochthonous population and the foreign population in this city.